Empirisk kritik af den protestantiske etik
Jeg er faldet over følgende artikel at to økonomer http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/pepg/PDF/Papers/PEPG07-04_Becker_Woessmann.pdf
Max Weber attributed the higher economic prosperity of Protestant regions to a Protestant work ethic. We provide an alternative theory, where Protestant economies prospered because instruction in reading the Bible generated the human capital crucial to economic prosperity. County-level data from late 19thcentury Prussia reveal that Protestantism was indeed associated not only with higher economic prosperity, but also with better education. We find that Protestants’ higher literacy can account for the whole gap in economic prosperity. Results hold when we exploit the initial concentric dispersion of the Reformation to use distance to Wittenberg as an instrument for Protestantism.
Uden at ville udtale mig om kvaliteten af studiet, er det interessant at se hvordan økonomer tilgår sociologisk teori, og samtidig også spændende at se Weber diskuteret på et så empiriorienteret niveau.
Max Weber attributed the higher economic prosperity of Protestant regions to a Protestant work ethic. We provide an alternative theory, where Protestant economies prospered because instruction in reading the Bible generated the human capital crucial to economic prosperity. County-level data from late 19thcentury Prussia reveal that Protestantism was indeed associated not only with higher economic prosperity, but also with better education. We find that Protestants’ higher literacy can account for the whole gap in economic prosperity. Results hold when we exploit the initial concentric dispersion of the Reformation to use distance to Wittenberg as an instrument for Protestantism.
Uden at ville udtale mig om kvaliteten af studiet, er det interessant at se hvordan økonomer tilgår sociologisk teori, og samtidig også spændende at se Weber diskuteret på et så empiriorienteret niveau.
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